Bolola: All Yerevan transport routes in one application

Ayb School Project-Based Learning Programming Club members presented their Bolola project.

What is Bolola?

Bolola is a mobile application that was created by the Programming Club members last year. The application allows the users to find out which transport they they should take to reach from point A to point B. It also suggests the cheapest and the fastest route with minimum number of stops. However, the app was still unrefined and needed improvement.

What was done during this year?

The club welcomed new members this year, which started with examination of materials. During the first academic term, we learned we work with React Js, Java Script, Git and Github, JWT, Material UI tools. To be honest, online format affected the project implementation process. To make it smooth and successful, every club member worked on their own task.

Project presentation

To make the application work smoothly, the club members created a toll that allowed the city administration or transport companies add or edit the routes. For the purpose, we developed a website to enable the tool. On the project presentation day, we took the stage to tell about the club, our activity and the website.

Bolola application is unique, as it was tested not only for the transport routes in Yerevan and Armenia but also in some foreign cities.

Diana Stepanyan, 11th grade


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